Fridays mean an extra-silly greeting at morning meeting.
Fridays mean a mindfulness meeting with Ms. Alice.
Fridays mean another round of P.E. with Coach Sam.
Fridays mean CHOICE TIME at the end of the day!
Choice time is just what it sounds like: free reign of the classroom to get creative! Of course, Fridays are not the only days we get creative around here; it's just that Friday's choices are unlimited!
Today during choice time, kids planted green and purple broccoli in the garden with Deb. They made obstacle courses for Lily, our pet rat. They played card games and board games with each other. They solved puzzles, set up domino courses, sewed, colored, and created.
The really impressive thing about choice time is that the kids in room 5 can clean up the GIANT mess they make in five minutes flat. It blows my mind every time. Parents, don't let your kids fool you into thinking that they are incapable of cleaning up their rooms. I know the truth. Oh, and I have a handy little clean-up game called "Magic Scrap" that helps a lot. I'm willing to share my secret with you in exchange for a bit of chocolate or a coffee, too. ;)
I can always count on Ruby for a fabulous new facial expression. I miss those kids!