Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

A day as sweet as this deserves a blog post!  I only wish I had taken more photos...  But here is a little Valentine cheer for you from Room 5.

Look what the "Valentine Bug" left for our class!  What an excellent, creative surprise. 
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Candy Heart math is oh-so-motivating!

"Text Me" (I promise that is what it says!)

Eilidh's Valentine heart word problem: ""My Girl" had 3 babies: "Miss You", "Love Bug", and "I (heart) You".  "Be Mine" had twins, "Go, Go, Go" and "Go, Go, Go".  "Tweet Me" had 4 babies: "Hold Hands", "Be Mine", "Ask me", and "Boogie".  How many babies in all?