Thursday, October 6, 2011

Chapulines de Oaxaca

An important part of our daily Morning Meeting in Room 5 is share time (a.k.a. “show and tell”).  Each day two students share something special with the class—anything from a funny story, an interesting find, a special vacation keepsake, or an unusual collection.
Last week, we had a very special share presented by Pema and her mom, Kathryn.  The two of them traveled to the city of Oaxaca, Mexico this summer and brought home many unique pieces of art and clothing.  The most memorable souvenir presented was “Chapulines de Oaxaca”, a popular snack enjoyed in the Oaxaca area, known in English as toasted grasshoppers.  Pema generously brought enough to share with the class.  Luckily, our principal, Mr. Richardson, happened to stop by for a visit just in time to partake in the feast. 
We have a brave bunch of kids in Room 5, and most of them tried the smaller, rice-sized chapulines.  Some, including me and Mr. Richardson, even tried the not-as-appealing larger variety.
I bet you are very disappointed that you missed this particular share time.  If you are itching to try some chapuline, I know a girl who will happily share her stash with you!

Brave lady with not-so-brave principal in the background


Noshing an extra large chapuline

Quite an experience
We love eating grasshoppers in Room 5!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

And the Adventure Begins Again!

Welcome to the 2011-2012 School Year.  We are already many weeks into the new year, and have been experiencing many fun learning adventures in and out of Room 5.
Take a look at what we've been up to lately.

We've had a few parents share their talents and skills with us in the past few weeks.  Brad's dad, Patrick, is a wonderful musician.  He brought his guitar and led a rousing sing-along.  We've already invited him back to do it again next month!

Julia's mom, Nancy, is teaching some of us how to knit.  We all love finger knitting, and Ms. Emily knew we were ready for the next step...  Or maybe she just wants a new scarf for the colder weather.

As you know, the theme of the first month of school has been spiders.  We've learned so much about these creepy crawlers.  In fact, most of us kind of like the little creatures now.  We read all about spiders, observed them in the wild and in jars in the classroom, drew spiders, conducted research, created paper mache spiders, went on an incredible spider walk at Lake Lagunitas, and wrote a song about spiders which we performed at the Critter Carnival. 
If you have any spider questions, Room 5 has answers!