Thursday, August 26, 2010

And we're off!!!

Dear Parents,

Welcome to Ms. Emily’s classroom blog. This is a place where the kids and I will keep you updated on the latest classroom learning adventures. My personal goal is to post a blog entry on a weekly basis. In the beginning, I will be the main author, but I envision the blog being a great forum for the students to share their thoughts and ideas with you in writing. Let’s consider this blog an experiment… if it seems to be fun and informative, I’ll keep it going. If it does not meet the needs of the classroom community, we’ll let it go.  Please feel free to support the blog with your comments and add yourself as a "follower". 

Week one has been a blast—an exhausting blast, but a blast nonetheless. The students of room 5 are a lively bunch, full of bright smiles, interesting ideas, and boundless energy. I have enjoyed this special “getting to know you” time. We’ve been discovering the unique new mix of friends in the classroom, as well as testing out the waters of our new roles—for me as a teacher of younger students; for the kids as “olders” or “youngers”. I look forward to gently guiding the development of each class member this year, both academically and socially. My initial impression is that we have a wonderful mix of personalities, abilities and sensibilities in the class that will make for a dynamic experience for everyone.

One highlight of the week has been our initial investigation of our “Critter”. Because I have a hard time making decisions, I chose the broad critter category of RODENTS. Now, before you crinkle your nose, let me assure you that it is a fascinating order of mammals with countless adaptations for living in every conceivable environment, including in trees, water, underground, and your garage. Rodents comprise the largest mammal group, with over 1,500 species (out of about 4000 mammal species total). The kids have embarked on the discovery process of rodents, and will be figuring out what makes a rodent a rodent.

Here is some rodent trivia discovered by the kids over the past few days. You can use these facts to impress your friends at your next dinner party!

“Did you know a hamster can fit 20 potato wedges in its mouth at one time?” –Tori

“Did you know jirds don’t sweat?” –Orion

“Did you know chinchillas take baths in sand because there is so little water [in their environment]?” –Sophia

“Did you know that muskrat meat is sold as Marsh Rabbit?” –Skylar

Be prepared to learn a whole lot more about rodents from your budding animal researcher over the next four weeks. Also, be sure to ask about our resident rodent in room five, Lily!

Until next time,

Ms. Emily